Vincenzo Santarcangelo

Università degli Studi di Torino


Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy, University of Turin.

Member of Labont - Laboratory for Ontology


Areas of competence: Philosophy of perception, Philosophy of mind, Aesthetics, Philosophy of music.

Current research: Auditory perception, Ecological Acoustics, Philosophy of sound.


(Since 2011) Ph.D. Student, University of Turin. Supervisor: prof. Maurizio Ferraris.

(2010) Graduate Degree in Philosophy, University of Turin. Title: “Filosofia del suono. Rassegna e prospettive future” [Philosophy of sound. A perspective]. Supervisors: Prof. Maurizio Ferraris and Prof. Pietro Kobau.

(2005) B.A. in Philosophy, University of Turin. Title: “Goodman, Ricoeur e la teoria della metafora” [Goodman, Ricoeur and the theory of metaphor]. Supervisor: Prof. Pietro Kobau.


Member of the editorial board of Rivista di Estetica


Regular contributor to Artribune and Rockerilla magazines.