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Fausto Fraisopi

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Personal Details
Date of Birth 19 November 1977
Place of Birth Isola del Liri (FR) – Italy -
Nationality Italian
Status Married

Philosophy of science, Complexity Theory, Phenomenology, Ontology.

History of Philosophy, Philosophy and History of Logic, Metaphysics, Cognitive sciences.

University Teacher and Researcher (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg University)

- Director (from September 2011 to June 2012) of Research Group “Science et philosophie” Institut Catholique de Paris.
- Member of CREA, Paris.
- Member of Centre “Edouard Branly” for Media and Communication.
My research activity and teaching focus on phenomenology and ontology (with a particular attention to the problems of meta-ontology and complexity), with the objectives of evaluating the cognitive advantage of treating the problems of complexity theory in the field of phenomenology, cognitive sciences, formal/regional ontology and semantics.

- Partnership (editing, articles and reviews) from 2009 to 2012 with
- Referee of Studia Phaenomenologica.
- Member of WCSA [World Complexity Science Academy].
- Collaboration with “Istituto Matteo Ricci per le relazioni con l’Oriente” [Matteo Ricci Institute for Relations with the East].

(2013) Lecturer on Philosophy of Science, Institut Catholique de Paris, II Semestre [ML2].
(2012/2013) Lecturer on Theoretic Philosophy, Freiburg University, Wintersemester.
(2012) Lecturer on Theoretic Philosophy and Epistemology Freiburg University, Sommersemester.
(2011) Lecturer on Philosophy of Science, Institut Catholique de Paris, II Semestre [ML2].
(2011) Lecturer on Theoretic Philosophy [Hauptseminar], Freiburg University, Wintersemester.
(2011) Lecturer on Theoretic Philosophy [Hauptseminar], Freiburg University, Sommersemester.
(2010/2011) Lecturer on Theoretic Philosophy [Hauptseminar], Freiburg University, Wintersemester.
(2009/2010) Lecturer on History of Ideas (I), University of Versailles-St. Quentin.
(2009/2010) Lecturer on History of Ideas (II), University of Versailles-St. Quentin.

(2006/2008) Visiting Post-Doctoral Scholar at the University of Paris, La Sorbonne (Paris IV), and Archives Husserl de Paris (Ecole Normale Supérieure, CNRS, UMR 8547)
Research topic : The Phenomenological Concept of Horizon and Sensory Field
Supervisors: Prof. J.-F. Courtine and Prof. J. Benoist.

(2006/2008) Teaching and research for the Department of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the University of Macerata (Italy).

(2006) Ph. D. in History of Philosophy, XVIII cycle, obtained at the University of Macerata (March 24 2006).
PhD Dissertation: “La ‘schematische Darstellung’ in Kant. Dalla teoria dello schema al linguaggio” (Kant’s ‘Schematic Presentation’: From Schema-Theory to Language)
Supervisor: Prof. Mirella Capozzi [History of Logic], University of Rome, La Sapienza.

(2001) Degree in Philosophy obtained at the University of Rome, La Sapienza with the grade of 110/110, cum laude.
Thesis title: Facoltà di giudizio e analogia. Il problema della terza critica kantiana (Capacity of Judgment and Analogy: The Problem of the Third Kantian Critique)
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Maria Olivetti (Philosophy of Religion, University of Rome, La Sapienza.

(1996) Diploma in Classical Studies (‘Maturità Classica’) at the Classical High School “F.Stelluti” of Fabriano.

(2010-2012) Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship.

(2006-2007) Post-Doctoral Scholarship from the University of Rome, La Sapienza
Research Topic: Husserl’s Concept of Horizon and the Theory of Subjectivity.
(2002-2005) Doctoral Scholarship from the University of Macerata (Italy)
Research Topic: Phenomenological Interpretation of Kant’s Theory of Mind.
(2001-2002) Scholarship from the Istituto Italiano di Studi Storici “B. Croce”
Research Topic: Kant’s Theory of Space-Time.

- Reality of theories and models. Towards an epistemic and metatheoretic Realism, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg, International Conference “The Phenomenology of Thinking”, February 28 – March 3, 2013.

- Alltägliche Sprache, Ontologie, Komplexität der Erfahrung [Ordinary Language, Ontology and complexity of experience], Vorlesungsreihe Sprache, Denken, Wirklichkeit, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitäts, Freiburg i.B., Juli, 23 2012.

- La simplexité ou “ce que les modèles n’arrivent pas à saisir” [Simplexity or “what models can’t fix up”], Paris, Collège de France, April, 23-24 2012.

- Structures (ontologiques) en mouvement: une approche catégorique à la méta-ontologie [Ontological Structures in Mouvement: The Application of Category Theory to Meta-Ontology], « PHENOMAT » (Phenomenology of mathematical formalism, Center Laurent-Schwartz for Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique –Archives Husserl, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris) Gravelines, August, 29-31 2011.

- Le monde de la vie et la modélisation épistémologique comme modélisation ontologico-régionale, [The Life World and the Epistemological Modelization of Regional Ontologies] Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure, March 25, 2011.

- Horizonthäftigkeit, Passivität und Lebenswelt, [Horizontality. Passivity and the Life World in Phenomenology], Humboldt Kolloquium, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, March14, 2011.

- Concepts purs-concepts appliqués: l’ontologie régionale et la mathesis [Pure and Applied Concepts: Regional Ontology and Mathesis], « PHENOMAT », Nice, December 10 2010.

- Towards a Logical and Phenomenological Approach to Complexity. Meta-Ontology and System Theory, World Complexity Science Academy’s First Conference, Bologna, December 4, 2010.

- La conoscenza disseminata. Lo spazio delle teorie e la fenomenologia della costituzione metateorica [The Scattered Knowledge: The Phenomenological Space of Theories and Phenomenology of Metatheoretical Constitution], Psyche/Paideia, Fabriano, December 2, 2010.

- L’irenismo di Leibniz tra linguaggio universale e relatività dei riti [Matteo Ricci and Rites Controversy: Leibniz’s Irenicism between Universal Language and the Relativity of Rites], Macerata, November 18, 2010.

- Feld und Horizont in Phänomenologie [Field and Horizon in Phenomenology], Humboldt Colloquium, Freiburg University, June 13, 2010.

- Questions de co-intentionnalité. Expérience et structure d’horizon [Questions about Co-Intentionality: Experience and the Structure of Horizon] University of Liège, April 27, 2010.

- Lectio magistralis, “The Vision of Knowledge” at the international Congress, “The Light and the Shadow,” Senigallia, EU Commission, Italy, October 25-30, 2009.

- La quasi-ontologie de l’An sich dans la Wissenschaftslehre de Bernard Bolzano [The Quasi-Ontology of ‘An Sich’ in Bolzano’s Doctrine of Science], Lecture for Archives Husserl de Paris, April 13-15, 2009.

- Le rôle de la « représentation vide » dans la genèse du concept phénoménologique d’horizon [The Empty Representation and the Genesis of Husserl’s Concept of Horizon], Lecture for Archives Husserl de Paris, April 14, 2008.

- Discussant at the Congress: « Mandelbrot e la geometria frattale quantant’anni dopo », [Mandelbrot at Fractal Geometry 40 years Later] Messina, April 21-23, 2007.

- Les deux faces du λογος chez Husserl: du couple expression/signification au couple signification/syntaxe. Modifications et niveaux méta-syntaxiques. (A propos des Leçons du 1902/1903 sur la Logique) [Husserl’s Two Faces of the λογος: From the Coupled Expression/Meaning to the Coupled Meaning/Syntax (On Lectures of Logic 1902/3)], Lecture for Archives Husserl de Paris, November 17, 2006.

- La doctrine kantienne du schématisme est-elle une logique de l’imagination ? » [Is Kant’s Theory of Schematism a Logic of Imagination?] Lecture for the Workshop « Y a t--il une logique de l’imagination ? » at University of Paris IV, « La Sorbonne », December 15, 2006.

- Invited to the I Cycle of Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica [High School for Philosophical Education] Turin (11/17 November 2006). Visiting Professor : Jean-Luc Marion, University of Paris, La Sorbonne, Paris IV, and the University of Chicago.

- L’analogia in Kant [Kant’s Analogy]. Invited talk from the University of Genova, April 25, 2006.

- Darstellung e immaginazione in Kant. Problemi storici e speculativi” [Kant’s Concept of Darstellung and Imagination: Historical and Theoretical Problems] XV Convegno Nazionale dei Dottorati in Filosofia, Istituto Banfi, Reggio Emilia, Italy, December 13-16, 2004.

International Prize “Fondazione Valitutti”, Salerno, Italy, for the Best First Work 2006.

- Fausto Fraisopi, La complexité et les phénomènes [Complexity and Phenomenality], Paris, Hermann, « Vision des Sciences », 2012 (580pp.) with a Preface of Jocelyn Benoist.
- Fausto Fraisopi, Θεωρια. Il soggetto kantiano e la complessità del suo esperire [Θεωρια: The Kantian Subject and the Complexity of Experience], 175 p., Quodlibet/EUM, Macerata, 2009.
- Fausto Fraisopi, Kant et l’ouverture de la vision. La « phénoménologie implicite » de la Darstellung, 468 p., G. Olms, Hildesheim − Zurich − New-York, 2009.
- Fausto Fraisopi, Adamo sulla sponda del Rubicone. Analogia e dimensione speculativa in Kant, [Adam on the bank of Rubicon. Analogy and speculative dimension by Kant], 400 pp., Roma, Armando Editore, 2005. *International Prize “Fondazione Valitutti” For the Best First Work 2006.

- G. W. Leibniz, La teologia naturale dei Cinesi, [G.W. Leibniz, Writings on China] Quodlibet, Macerata, 2012.

- Fausto Fraisopi (ed.), ONTOLOGIE. Storia e prospettive della domanda sull’ente, Milano, Mimesis, 2013.


- Fausto Fraisopi, Metaontology and Complexity. Toward a logical and phenomenological approach to System Theory, in F. Fraisopi (Ed.), Ontologie. Storia e prospettive della domanda sull’ente, Milano, Mimesi, 2013.
- Fausto Fraisopi, La simplexité ou ce quel es modèles n’arrivent pas à saisir, dans Complexité-simplexité, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2013 [forthcoming].

- Fausto Fraisopi, Realism and reality of theories. Looking for a new sense of “encyclopedia”, in Philosophical Readings special issue, 2012.
- Fausto Fraisopi, Questions de co-intentionnalité. Expérience et structure d’horizon, Actes du Colloque « Questions d’intentionnalité », Liège, 3-7 Mai 2010, Bulletin d’analyses phénoménologiques, vol. VI, n°8, p. 46-63.
- Fausto Fraisopi, Expérience et horizon chez Husserl: Contextualité et synthèse à partir du concept de « représentation vide », in Studia Phaenomenologica, 2009, pp. 455-476.
- Fausto Fraisopi, Orizzonte del sacro e analogia subjecti, in Archivio di filosofia, 3, 2008, pp. 193-201;
- Fausto Fraisopi, Genèse et transcendantalisation du concept d’horizon chez Husserl, in Phänomenologische Forschungen, 2008, pp. 43-70.
- Fausto Fraisopi, Les deux faces du logos chez Husserl: Du couple expression/signification au couple signification/syntaxe, in Bulletin d’analyse phénoménologique, IV, 1, 2008, pp. 1-47.

Fausto Fraisopi, Riflessioni sul concetto di « cognitio analogica» in Kant, in Il cannocchiale, 2, 2003, pp. 70-112.

- Fausto Fraisopi, Towards a Logical and Phenomenological Approach to Complexity: Meta-ontology and System Theory, in F. Fraisopi (ed.), Ontologie. Storie e prospettive della domanda sull’ente, Milano, Mimesis, 2012.
- Fausto Fraisopi, Interview with J.-L. Marion on the « phénoménologie de la donation », in AA. VV., Play-Rec. Interviste della filosofia, Rome, Homo Legens, 2007, p. 35-44.
- Fausto Fraisopi, Guelfo e l’Überwindung dell’estetica metafisica, in Guelfo, Milano, Mondadori, pp. 34-45.


- Review of M. Hartimo (Ed.), Phenomenology of Mathematics, Springer, 2010, in Philosophia Mathematica, 2012.

- Review of O. Proietti, Agnostos theos. Il Carteggio Spinoza-Oldenburg, Quodlibet, Macerata, 2007, in Rivista di Storia della filosofia, 3, 2008.
- Review of G. Giordano, Da Einstein a Morin, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino,2005, in
- Review of AA.VV, La sfida della complessità, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2007, in

Review of G. Peano − L. Couturat, Carteggio 1896-1914, Firenze, Leo Olschki, 2005.
Review of Jean-Luc Marion, Il visibile e il rivelato, in

Review of O. Proietti, Uriel da Costa e l’Exemplar Humanae Vitae, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2005, « Nouvelles de la République des Lettres», 2, 2005 ;
Review of Isaac La Peyrère I preadamiti [Preadamitae], Quodlibet, Macerata, 2004, «Nouvelles de la République des Lettres», 2, 2005 ;
Review of Jarig Jelles, Professione della fede universale e cristiana [Belydenisse des algemeenen en chistelychen Geloofs], Quodlibet, Macerata, 2004, Nouvelles de la République des Lettres, 2, 2005 ;

Review of Angela Taraborelli, Cosmopolitismo. Saggio su Kant, Asterios, Roma, 2004,
Review of P. Manganaro, L’antropologia di Kant, Napoli, Guida, 1983,
Review of E. Cassirer, Vita e dottrina di Kant, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 2002,
Review of I. Kant, Antropologia pragmatica, tr. it. a cura di G. Vidari, riveduta da A. Guerra, Roma, Bari 1969.
Review of I. Kant, Bemerkungen. Note per un diario filosofico, a cura di K. Tenenbaum, Biblioteca Meltemi Roma 2001,

- Fausto Fraisopi, Philosophie et demande. Recherches sur la forme de la mathesis [Philosophy and Demand: Research on the Form of Mathesis];
- Fausto Fraisopi, Phänomenologie des Horizontes. Die transzendentale Offnung der Subjektivität;
- Fausto Fraisopi (ed.), Ontologie. Storia e prospettive della domanda sull’ente (Ontology. History and perspectives on questioning about ‘Being’), Milano, Mimesis, 2013.


Mother Tongue: Italian
Advanced (near native): German, English and French
Intermediate: Spanish and Portuguese
Latin and Ancient Greek