Enrico Lucca

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Short CV (In Italian)

Nato a Como nel 1983, ottiene nel 2007 la Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Filosofiche presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano. Si laurea con la prof.ssa Maria Cristina Bartolomei discutendo una tesi su Edmond Jabès, premiata nel Febbraio 2009 dall'Accademia Lombarda Scienze e Lettere. Nei mesi di Giugno e Luglio 2008 è stato borsista DAAD a Göttingen. Nell'anno accademico 2008-2009 è stato specializzando annuale in Scienze della Cultura presso la Scuola Internazionale Alti Studi - Fondazione Collegio San Carlo (Modena). Nell'anno accademico 2009-2010 è stato visiting student presso la Divinity School dell'University of Chicago. Da Gennaio a Luglio 2011 è stato visiting research fellow presso il Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Center for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History della Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Da Gennaio a Luglio 2012 è research fellow presso il medesimo istituto. Nel Febbraio 2012 ha conseguito, presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano, il titolo di dottore di ricerca in filosofia difendendo una tesi dal titolo: «Una visione dialettica della storia ebraica. Gershom Scholem e l'eredità del messianismo». Nell'anno 2012-2013 è post-doctoral research fellow presso la Hebrew University e lecturer nel dipartimento di Romance and Latin American Studies. Nei mesi di Ottobre e Novembre 2013 è borsista DAAD a Berlino. Nel 2011 ha pubblicato la monografia La Scrittura in esilio: ermeneutica e poetica in Edmond Jabès (LED). Ha pubblicato una decina di articoli scientifici in italiano e in inglese apparsi su «Filosofia e Teologia», «Naharaim», «Rivista di Storia della Filosofia», «Scienza & Politica» e «Calixtilia».

Contatti: en.lucca[at]gmail.com

Detailed CV (in English: updated 16 August 2013)

Dr. Enrico Lucca

born 10th June 1983, Como (Italy)


  • Post-Doctoral Research Fellow - January / June 2013

The Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)

  • Doctoral Research Fellow – January / June 2012

The Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)

  • Ph.D. in Philosophy, 2012 - Excellent

Milan State University (Italy)

Thesis: «Una visione dialettica della storia ebraica. Gershom Scholem e l’eredità del messianismo» (A dialectical vision of Jewish history. Gershom Scholem and the legacy of messianism)

  • Visiting Research Fellow – January / July 2011

The Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)

  • Visiting Graduate Student – Fall 2009 / Winter 2010

Divinity School at The University of Chicago (IL)

  • One-Year Graduate High Specialization Course in Cultural Sciences, 2008-2009

Scuola Internazionale Alti Studi (SAS), Fondazione Collegio San Carlo – Modena (Italy)

  • M.A. in Philosophy, 2007 – summa cum laude

Milan State University (Italy)

Thesis: «La Scrittura in esilio. Edmond Jabès tra poetica ed ermeneutica» (Writing in exile. Edmond Jabès between poetics and hermeneutics)

  • B.A. in Philosophy, 2005 – summa cum laude

Milan State University (Italy)


  • Recipient of DAAD scholarship (Berlin, Autumn 2013): intensive German language course

  • Recipient of the Vittoria Corinaldi Research Scholarship for the Study of Italian Culture and Society - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2012-2013)

  • Recipient of the Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (January - June 2013)

  • Recipient of the Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Foundation Doctoral Fellowship - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (January - June 2012)

  • Recipient of the Posen Foundation Summer Fellowship (August 2011)

  • PhD Stipend and Full Scholarship - Milan State University (2009-2011)

  • Awarded the «Don Bartolomeo Grazioli» prize of the Lombard Academy for Science and Humanities for the best M.A. Dissertation in Philosophy (Milan, February 2009)

  • One-Year Graduate Maintenance Grant - Scuola Internazionale Alti Studi (SAS), Fondazione Collegio San Carlo (Modena, 2008-2009)

  • Recipient of DAAD scholarship (Göttingen, Summer 2008): intensive German language course


German-Jewish Thought, Modern European-Jewish History, French-Jewish Thought, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of History, Secularization theories, Philosophy and Literature, Italian Contemporary Culture.


  • Archival work for the project «Traces of German-Jewish History in Israel: Preservation and Research», a collaborative project between The Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, the Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center at the Hebrew University, and the Bonn University. Work at the archive of the Leo Baeck Institute in Jerusalem with the scope of cataloguing the material concerning World War I (1914-1918) (July 2013; December 2013 - January 2014).

  • Coordinator of the project «Divine Sonship in Jewish Mysticism» - «Centro Studi Campostrini» Foundation, Verona, Italy (January 2012 - )

  • Archival work (archives visited: Lavon Institute, JNUL, The Hebrew University Archive, Archive of the Jewish Writers «Gnazim», Israel State Archives, Central Zionist Archive, Leo Baeck Institute in Jerusalem) with the scope of preparing a comprehensive research project devoted to the life and work of Shmuel Hugo Bergman. The research has been funded by the Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (July - November 2012).


  • 2012 - Member of the Italian Philosophical Society (SFI: Società Filosofica Italiana)

  • 2012 - Member of the Italian Association for Theological and Philosophical Studies (AISFET: Associazione Italiana per lo Studio di Filosofia e Teologia)

  • 2011 - Member of the Association for European-Jewish Literature Studies (AEJLS)


  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: course on «German-Jewish Thinkers at the Crisis of Enlightenment» (to be taught March - June 2014) [in English]

  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: course on «Pierpaolo Pasolini: the man and his work» (to be taught March - June 2014) [in English]

  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: taught a course on «Literature and Exile in 20th Century French and Italian Culture» (March - June 2013) [in English]

  • Milan State University: taught a 20-hour seminar on «Reading of German Philosophy: Walter Benjamin’s Theses on the Concept of History» (October - December 2011) [in Italian]

  • Milan State University: taught a 20-hour seminar (with partial collaboration of prof. Mariacristina Bartolomei and dr. Claudio Belloni) on «Paul’s Epistle to the Romans and its philosophical interpretations (Barth, Taubes, Agamben)» (October - December 2010) [in Italian]

  • Milan State University: taught a 20-hour seminar on «Reading of French Philosophy: Simone Weil’s La Pesanteur et la Grace» (October - December 2010) [in Italian]

  • Milan State University: taught a 20-hour seminar (with partial collaboration of prof. Mariacristina Bartolomei and dr. Claudio Belloni) on «Interpretation of the Bible in 20th Century Jewish Thought» (March - May 2010) [in Italian]


  • University of Salzburg (Salzburg, Austria)

Selected (scholarship awarded) for the Program «Religionstriennale» at the International Salzburg Summer School with prof. Klaus Dawidowicz (Wien University), Graham Ward (Oxford University), and Angelika Neuwirth (Freie Universität Berlin). Title of the Program: «The Political and Cultural Presence of Religions in Europe: Judaism - Christianity - Islam» (29 July - 3 August 2013).

  • Hampshire College (Amherst, Massachusetts)

Selected (stipend awarded) for the Posen Foundation Summer Seminar with prof. Naomi Seidman (Graduate Theological Seminar) and Rachel Rubinstein (Hampshire College). Title of the Seminar: «Literatures of Jewish Secularism and Secularization» (1-10 August 2011).

  • Comune di Acqui Terme (Alessandria, Italy)

Selected (scholarship awarded) for the XII edition of «Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica» with prof. Alberto Pirni (University of Genova), Barbara Henry (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), and Gerardo Cunico (University of Genova). Title of the Seminar: «Religione e politica: tra coesione e conflitto» [Religion and Politics between Cohesion and Conflict] (13-15 October 2010).

  • Central European University Summer Program (Budapest, Hungary)

Selected (scholarship awarded) for the Summer Program Seminar with prof. Moshe Idel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Ida Froelich (Catholic University Budapest), Michael M. Miller (CEU), Matthias Riedl (CEU), Michael Gillespie (Duke University), Malachi Hacohen (Duke University), Vlad Naumescu (CEU). Seminar Title: «Messianism – Jewish and Christian Perspectives» (5-16 July 2010).

  • «Centro Studi Campostrini» Foundation (Verona, Italy)

Selected for a Seminar with Prof. Moshe Idel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). Seminar title: «Exclusive versus Inclusive Monotheism: Jewish Philosophy versus Kabbalah» (3-5 May 2010).

  • «Luigi Pareyson» Center for Philosophical and Religious Studies (Turin, Italy)

Selected (scholarship awarded) for a Seminar with Prof. Agnes Heller (The New School, New York). Workshop title: «For an Anthropology of Modernity» (17-21 November 2008).



  1. La Scrittura in esilio. Ermeneutica e poetica in Edmond Jabès, Led: Il Filarete, Milan, 2011 (pp. 148) [Writing in Exile. Hermeneutics and Poetics in Edmond Jabès], isbn 978-8879165068

  • Reviewed by M. Tura, in «Filosofia e Teologia», xxvi, 3 (September-December 2012), pp. 638-640.

  • Reviewed by D. Di Cesare, Postille filosofiche: Il poeta del deserto. A cento anni dalla nascita il mondo ebraico ricorda Edmond Jabès, in «Shalom», xlv, 7 (July 2012), p. 34.


  1. La dialettica paradossale tra rivelazione e commento e la crisi della tradizione nell’opera di Gershom Scholem, in M.C. Bartolomei (ed.), La Filosofia e il Grande Codice. Libertà di Pensiero - fissità della Scrittura, Claudiana, Turin, 2012, pp. 105-123, isbn 978-8870168976 [The Paradoxical Dialectics between Revelation and Commentary and the Crisis of Tradition in Gershom Scholem’s work]


  1. Crisi e apocalisse nel pensiero ebraico contemporaneo. Note per un’analisi della riflessione scholemiana sul messianismo, «Res Publica» (paper accepted for publication and currently under revision) [Crisis and apocalypse in contemporary Jewish thought. Notes for an analysis of Scholem’s reflections on messianism]

  2. Sull’orlo dell’abisso: Scholem e Rosenzweig sulla lingua ebraica, «Rivista di Storia della Filosofia», 2 (2013), pp. 305-320, issn 0393-2516 [On the edge of the abyss: Scholem and Rosenzweig on the Hebrew Language]

  3. Dossier Jesi. Lettere e Materiali (Furio Jesi, Gershom Scholem), a cura di A. Cavalletti ed E. Lucca, «Scienza & Politica», xxv, 48 (2013), pp. 103-109, issn 1825-9618 [Dossier Jesi. Letters and Materials (Furio Jesi, Gershom Scholem)]

  4. Ateismo e profondità dell’essere. Un breve scambio epistolare tra Furio Jesi e Gershom Scholem, «Scienza & Politica», xxv, 48 (2013), pp. 111-116, issn 1825-9618 [Atheism and Deepness of Being. A Brief Exchange of Letters between Furio Jesi and Gershom Scholem]

  5. Gershom Scholem, On Franz Rosenzweig and his Familiarity with Kabbala Literature, edited by Enrico Lucca and Ashraf Noor, «Naharaim»: Journal for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History, vi, 1 (2012), pp. 1-6, issn 1862-9148

  6. Gershom Scholem on Franz Rosenzweig and the Kabbalah. Introduction to the text, «Naharaim»: Journal for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History, vi, 1 (2012), pp. 7-19, issn 1862-9148

  7. Gershom Scholem, On History and Philosophy of History, edited by Enrico Lucca and Ashraf Noor, «Naharaim»: Journal for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History, v, 1-2 (December 2011), p. 1-7, issn 1862-9148

  8. Between History and Philosophy of History. Comments on an unpublished document by Gershom Scholem, «Naharaim»: Journal for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History, v, 1-2 (December 2011), pp. 8-16, issn 1862-9148

  9. Stéphane Mosès lettore del testo biblico, «Filosofia e Teologia», xxiv, 3 (September-December 2010), pp. 587-594, issn 1824-4963 [Stéphane Mosès Reader of the Bible]

  10. Tra interrogazione e silenzio. La tematizzazione dell’origine nell’ermeneutica di Edmond Jabès, «Filosofia e Teologia», xxii, 3 (September-December 2008), pp. 576-586, issn 1824-4963 [Between Question and Silence. The Thematization of the Origin in Edmond Jabès’ Hermeneutics]



  1. F. Savater, Violenti e vincenti, «L’Espresso», lvi, 16 Settembre 2010, 37, pp. 100-101, issn 0423-4243.

  2. E. D’Ors i Rovira, Introducción a la vida angélica. Cartas a una soledad, Torre d’Ercole(forthcoming).


  1. M. Idel, Il figlio nel misticismo ebraico. Volume I: Tarda antichità, medioevo askhenazita e qabbalah estatica, Edizioni Centro Studi Campostrini, Verona, 2013 (pp. 375), isbn 9788889746189 [ed. orig. Ben: Sonship and Jewish Mysticism, Continuum, New York-London, 2008, pp. 1-376]

  2. M. Idel, Il figlio nel misticismo ebraico. Volume II, Edizioni Centro Studi Campostrini, Verona, forthcoming 2014 [ed. orig. Ben: Sonship and Jewish Mysticism, Continuum, New York-London, 2008, pp. 377-725]


  1. Bouretz, Pierre, Les lumières du messianisme, Hermann, Paris, 2008 [April 2013]: available online at: http://www.centrostudicampostrini.it/recensioni.php?sez=3&l1=377&area=3

  2. Mosès, Stéphane, Un ritorno al giudaismo. Colloqui con Victor Malka, translated in Italian by O. Di Grazia, Claudiana, Turin, 2009 (in «Filosofia e Teologia», xxvi, 2 [May-August, 2012], 1824-4963)

  3. Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Causa ed effetto seguito da Lezioni sulla libertà del volere, edited by Alberto Voltolini, Einaudi, Turin 2006 (in «Recensioni Filosofiche», July 2006, n. 9: available online at http://www.recensionifilosofiche.it/crono/2006-07/wittgenstein.htm)


  1. Diario cileno (23 ottobre - 6 novembre 2010), «Calixtilia», v, 2011: Lampi di Stampa, pp. 89-112, isbn 978-8848813341 [A Chilean Diary]

LECTURES (as invited lecturer)

  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: The Making and Unmaking of the Book: Poetics and Writing in Edmond Jabès (15 April 2012). Event organized to celebrate the Centenary of Jabès’ Birth (Chair: Dr. Yoav Rinon; Discussant: Prof. Cyril Aslanov).

  • Milan State University: La Rivelazione nel pensiero ebraico moderno nell’interpretazione di Gershom Scholem (12-13 December 2011) [Revelation in modern Jewish Thought according to Gershom Scholem’s interpretation]

  • Milan State University: L’approccio al testo biblico in Stéphane Mosès: un’analisi di L’Eros e la Legge (6 May 2010) [Stéphane Mosès’ approach to the Bible: an analysis of L’Eros et la Loi]

  • Milan State University: La scrittura in Edmond Jabès e la sua relazione con il testo biblico (8 April 2010) [The notion of writing in Edmond Jabès and its relation to the Bible]

  • Milan State University: Edmond Jabès e la questione del nome di Dio (7 May 2009) [Edmond Jabès questioning the name of God]


  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel): Congreso nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores de Estudios Ibéricos y Latinoamericanos. Talk entitled: «Auto-fiction and the role of literature in Roberto Bolaño» (10 June 2013)

  • Universidad Complutense, Madrid (Spain): Workshop «Apocalipsis» (invited). Talk entitled: «Figure dell’Apocalisse nella riflessione ebraica contemporanea. Messianismo e dimensione politica tra Benjamin, Scholem e Taubes» (17-18 October 2012)

  • Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal): First Lisbon International Conference of Philosophy: «Thinking the Twentieth Century. Philosophy and its Conditions». Talk entitled: «Thinking against the Grain: The Legacy of Walter Benjamin’s Philosophy of History» (27-29 October 2011)

  • Antwerp Institute for Jewish Studies (Belgium): Conference on «Margins, Borders and Peripheries in Modern European-Jewish Literature». Talk entitled: «Exhibiting the margin: “the writer” and “the Jew” in the work of Edmond Jabès» (5-7 September 2011)

  • University of Cyprus, Nicosia (Cyprus): 12th Utopian Studies Society Conference: Utopia/Crisis/Justice. Talk entitled: «Traurige Erlösung. Utopia and Disenchantment in 20th Century German-Jewish Thought» (8-11 July 2011)

  • Instytut Historyczny – Warsaw University (Poland): 4th Warsaw Conference for Young Jewish Studies Researchers. Talk entitled: «A philosophical inquiry into Gershom Scholem’s conception of Messianism» (14-16 June 2011)

  • ATINER - Athens Institute for Education and Research (Greece): 6th Annual International Conference on Philosophy. Talk entitled: «Longing for a new Identity. Crisis and Encounter with Secularization in 20th Century German-Jewish Thought» (30-31 May 2011)

  • University of Tallinn (Estonia): IABA Europe 2011 «Trajectories of (Be)longing: Europe in Life Writing». Talk entitled: «Writing from Jerusalem – Writing to Berlin. The two souls of Gershom Scholem and German-Jewry» (18-20 May 2011)

  • Milan State University (Italy): Colloquium entitled: «La Filosofia e il Grande Codice: libertà di pensiero – fissità della Scrittura?». Talk on: «La Scrittura in Gershom Scholem» [The interpretation of Torah in Gershom Scholem] (12 November 2010)

  • Universidad Diego Portales – Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile (Chile): International Conference: Walter Benjamin: Convergences of Aesthetics and Political Theology. Talk entitled «Teaching History against the grain: Scholem’s use of Benjamin’s Theses on the Philosophy of History in Israeli’s cultural debate» (25-27 October 2010)

  • Comune di Acqui Terme (Italy): Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica (XII edition): «Religione e politica: tra coesione e conflitto». Talk entitled: «Tra utopia rivoluzionaria e delusioni politiche: messianismo e sionismo in Gershom Scholem» [Between revolutionary utopia and political delusions: Messianism and Zionism in Gershom Scholem] (13-15 October 2010)

  • University of Vaasa (Finland): Philosophy in Literature – An international congress on philosophical questions related to literature and the study of literature. Talk on «“Das Nichts der Offenbarung”: Benjamin and Scholem interpreting Kafka» (27-28 May 2010)


  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (3 June 2013): Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Center Fellows Final Presentation. Presentation entitled: «The Roots of Shmuel Hugo Bergman’s Humanism».

  • Tzuba (Israel) (18 February 2013): Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Center Fellows Workshop. Presentation entitled: «Binationalism, Humanism, and cultural Zionism: the multiple Trajectories of Shmuel Hugo Bergman».

  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (10 June 2012): Presentation of the Project in front of the Beirat of the Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History (proff. Aleida Assmann, Jürgen Fohrmann, Jacob Hessing, Joseph Mali, Michael Brenner)

  • Tel Aviv University (Israel) (3 May 2012): Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Center Fellows Final Presentation. Presentation entitled: «Challenging a categorization of Modern Jewish Thought: “Normative Modernity” and “Critical Modernity” in light of Scholem’s diaries».

  • Zichron Ya‘acob (Israel) (13 February 2012): Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Center Fellows Workshop. Presentation entitled: «The self-shaping of an intellectual. The early diaries of Gershom Scholem»

  • Hampshire College - Amherst (Massachusetts) (8 August 2011): Posen Summer Seminar. Presentation entitled: «The Quest for a Secularism out of the sources of Jewish Tradition: Reflections and Problems drawing on some Gershom Scholem’s notes»

  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) (12 June 2011): Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Center Fellows Final Presentation. Presentation entitled: «Scholem’s reception of Benjamin’s Theses on the Concept of History»

  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) (27 February 2011): Presentation of PhD Project in front of the Beirat of the Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History (proff. Aleida Assmann, Dan Diner, Jurgen Fohrmann, Jacob Hessing, Joseph Mali)

  • Ein Gedi (Israel) (10 February 2011): Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Center Fellows Workshop. Presentation entitled: «Toward an Understanding of Scholem’s Conception of Messianism»

  • European Cultural Center - Delphi (Greece) (University of Milan graduate students Workshop – 21 September 2010): Ricezione e fortuna della Grecia antica nelle Humanae Litterae dell’età moderna. Communication entitled: «Figure della grecità nel pensiero di Franz Rosenzweig» [Images of Grecity in Franz Rosenzweig’s thought]

  • Central European University - Budapest (Hungary) (Summer School – 8 July 2010): Presentation entitled «Scholem’s conception of Messianism in light of Jacob Taubes’ critiques»

  • Milan State University (Italy) (PhD in Philosophy Workshop – 11 May 2010): Presentation entitled «Gershom Scholem lettore di Kafka» [Gershom Scholem Reader of Kafka]

  • Scuola Internazionale Alti Studi (SAS) – Modena (Italy) (PhD Workshop – 1 July 2009): Communication entitled «Scienza, archeologia del sapere e modernità in Michel Foucault» [Science, Archeology of Knowledge, and Modernity in Michel Foucault]

  • Milan State University (Italy) (PhD in Philosophy Workshop - 7 April 2009): Presentation entitled «Alcune questioni di metodo per un’analisi dell’opera di Gershom Scholem» [Some methodological problems in approaching Gershom Scholem’s work]


  • Como (Italy) (10 September 2011): Meeting organized by Biofera Canzo. Lecture entitled: «Dal Bio della Terra al Bio dell’Essere: Lo spirito della terra nell’ebraismo» [The Spirit of Earth in Judaism]

  • Como (Italy) (9 January 2011): Meeting organized by Libreria Torriani. Lecture entitled: «La Shoah nella letteratura ebraica: La notte di Elie Wiesel e Yossl Rakover si rivolge a Dio di Zvi Kolitz» [The Shoah in Jewish Literature: Elie Wiesel’s The night and Zvi Kolitz’s Yossl Rakover talks to God]

  • Como (Italy) (26 November 2010): Meeting organized by Biblioteca comunale di Proserpio. Lecture entitled: «Aneddoti e curiosità sul pensiero ebraico novecentesco» [Anecdotes and Curiosities on 20th Century Jewish Thought]


  • Collaboration with the «International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation» (Jerusalem/Buenos Aires) on a project on «Gratitude in Jewish Thought» (March-April 2013)

  • Saint Saviour Library (Bibliotheca Custodialis Terrae Sanctae: Jerusalem, Israel). April 2012 - August 2012: cataloguing new and rare books

  • RCS Media Group (Editorial Press, Milan). February 2008 - present: editorial counseling (read published and unpublished books from English, French, German)

  • RCS Media Group (Editorial Press, Milan). February 2008 – September 2010: editing, proofreading and translation revising for Rizzoli (English, French, German)


  • Italian: native speaker

  • Fluent in English and Spanish

  • Good knowledge of French, German, and Modern Hebrew

  • Working knowledge of Latin and Old Greek