Ch. Vassallo

Christian Vassallo

University of Calabria

History of Ancient Philosophy
Department of Linguistics and Education Sciences, Cubo 20B
87036 Rende (CS) Italy

Christian Vassallo studied Classical Philology and Ancient Philosophy at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’, where he obtained his PhD with a dissertation on Books 2 and 3 of Plato’s Republic. After several research stays in Germany (particularly in Berlin and Heidelberg) and advanced courses in papyrology and paleography in Italy and abroad, for five years he has been a team member of the European Project ERC-Starting Grant 241184-PHerc (Interactive Edition and Interpretation of Various Works by Epicurean and Stoic Philosophers Surviving at Herculaneum) and Junior Research Fellow of the CNR-ILIESI in Rome. A Wissenschaftler Mitarbeiter for two years at the University of Trier through the DFG Grant VA 1030/1-1 (Die Vorsokratiker in den Herkulanensischen Papyri), he is now teaching History of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Calabria. His main research interests include Presocratic philosophy and doxography, Socratic dialogues, ancient rhetoric, and the theory of beauty, as well as the reception of ancient thought in modern and contemporary philosophy.

Publications (see