Ivan Mosca
Ivan Mosca
+39 - 3403938409
Social Ontology
Game Studies
PHD student in Philosophy, University of Turin, Italy. Research project in Social Ontology and game. Tutor: professor Maurizio Ferraris
PRIZE «Best thesis work of the year», University of Turin, 2009
EDITOR for academic journal Rivista di Estetica, Rosemberg e Sellier
MEMBER of Labont research center, University of Turin
LAUREA (second level degree) in Philosophy, University of Turin, top marks (110/110) cum laude, 2008.
MASTER in Philosophy for Children (Lipman method), CRIF (Centro di Ricerca per l’Innovazione Filosofica): Teacher of International Council for Philosophical Inquiry With Children, 2006/07
ERASMUS exchange in Université Catholique de Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 2004/05
FOUNDATION and development of Circolo Filosofico di Torino, research center in Dialog studies, since 2003
Just a Cyberplace. The rules in videogames: between Ontology and Epistemology, Digital Games Research Association Library, Utrecht, 2011
To be and not to be, that is the Quest. Ontology of rules and identity in computer-based games, Proceedings of the 5th Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, Panteion University, Athens, 2011
Teoria del gioco. Introduzione, “Tangram”, 27, ISSN 1723-9109, 2011
11 entries in Dizionario di Bioetica, Ce.Se.Di. 2011
Specchio specchio delle mie brame, qual è la relazione tra me e il reame? La relazione tra realtà digitale e realtà concreta si basa sulla finzione, “Alfabeta2”, 2011,
Simposio su Documentalità. Introduzione, “Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics”, XII, 2, 226−232, 1825-5167,
Le regole del gioco. Perché la realtà sociale non è un sistema normativo, “Rivista di Estetica”, n.s. 43, 247-266, ISBN 978-88-7885-088-0, 2010
I giochi e le regole, “Tangram”, 23, 51-61, ISSN 1723-9109, 2010
I giochi e le regole: tempo e vittoria, “Tangram”, 24, 69-78, ISSN 1723-9109, 2010
I giochi e le regole: simulazione e arbitraggio, “Tangram”, 25, 39-51, ISSN 1723-9109, 2010
Bioetica di inizio vita, (with J. Cusano), “Questioni di Bioetica“, Ce.Se.Di., 32-38, 2009
The deconstruction of social ontology: the capital of Palestine, in E. Fadda, R. Giovagnoli, A. Givigliano, Cl. Stancati (a c. di), The Nature of Social Reality, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2012
+10! Gamification and Degamification, “G|A|M|E games as art, media, entertainment. The Italian Journal of Game Studies”, 1, 2012
(editor), Documentalità, “Rivista di Estetica”, 50, ISBN 978-88-7885-088-0, 2012
Mosca, I., Kobau, P., Casetta, E. Introduzione, in I. Mosca, P. Kobau, E. Casetta (a c. di), Documentalità, “Rivista di estetica”, 50, ISBN 978-88-7885-088-0, 2012
Ontology of Gender in Videogames, Proceedings of Gender and Videogames Conference, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, 2012
8th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication «Games, Game Theory and Games Semantics. Philosophical and Scientific Perspective», Game Theory Games as Fiction Games, Riga, 18-21 May 2012
International Conference «Film Forum Festival», Noised Voices in the Fable of Faust: Eros and Logos in a Crossmedial Polyvocal Pattern, Gorizia, 24 March 2012
Organization of International Workshop How to design a game with a message, Modena, 25 March 2012
International GRIOS Conference «The nature of social reality», The deconstruction of social ontology: the capital of Palestine, Università della Calabria, 13-14 October 2011
International DiGRA Conference «Think Design Play», Just a Cyberplace. The rules in videogames: between Ontology and Epistemology, Utrecht, 14-17 September 2011
Seminary Conference, Gioco, simbolo, rito, Turin University, 8 June 2011
International Conference “Far Game”, Videogiochi e regole. Un’ontologia, Università di Bologna, Cineteca, 27-28 May 2011
Collaboration to National Conference of Italian Aesthetic Society (S.I.E.), Turin, 26-27 april 2011
International Conference To be and not to be, that is the Quest. Ontology of rules and identity in computer-based games, Panteion University, Athens, 6-9 April 2011
Organization of National Conference Interpretare il significato del gioco, Modena, 27 March 2011
National Conference Classificazione delle teorie sul gioco, University of Turin and National Museum of Cinema, Turin, 9 February 2011
Organization of International Conference Il ruolo del gioco nella cultura, Modena, 13-14 March 2010
Conference about Circolo Filosofico di Torino (Turin Philosophical Club) as founder, University of Turin, May 2010
Organization of Conference Aborto in Italia, tra morale, Diritto e tabù, National Museum of Cinema, Turin, November 2009
Conference about Circolo Filosofico di Torino (Turin Philosophical Club) as founder, University of Turin, March 2009
Philosophical Dialog Laboratory (for Circolo Filosofico di Torino) in highschools and primary schools (6 to 19 years), since 2005
Translation, Che cos'è un oggetto sociale? [Qu'est-ce que c'est un objet musical?] of A. Arbo, in "Rivista di Estetica", 2012 [forthcoming]
Review, 'Making the social world' of John Searle, in “L’indice dei libri del mese”, 2011
Interviewed by Francesco Rigoni for Radio CentoDieci, Turin, June 2011
Interviewed by Frequenza Ludica for Impronta Digitale Radio, Modena, March 2011
Interviewed by Frequenza Ludica for Impronta Digitale Radio, Modena, March 2010
Psychological Aid for Children with cognitive or social problems, Comune di Torino, Public Social Service (April 2006-today)
Software language testing and software system testing, Nintendo of Europe, Frankfurt A.M. (2008)
Bioethics Laboratory for High Schools of Piedmont and Consulta di Bioetica Laica Onlus (2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/2012)
Philosophical Dialog Laboratory for Elementary Schools of Piedmont (2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08)