
Emanuele Bottazzi

I miei interessi principali sono la Filosofia Sociale e la Metafisica da una parte, dall’altra la Rappresentazione della Conoscenza e l’Ontologia intese come branche dell’Intelligenza Artificiale. I miei interessi secondari sono inoltre la Filosofia della Mente, la Filosofia del Diritto e la Filosofia Politica.
Da maggio 2012 sono ricercatore a tempo determinato presso l'ISTC-CNR. Nel 2008 sono stato “Visiting scholar” presso il Department of Philosophy della Columbia University di New York. Sono autore di oltre 20 lavori che spaziano dalla filosofia alle scienze cognitive e alla computer science in riviste, atti di convegno, opere collettanee, nazionali e internazionali, su invito o peer reviewed, con oltre trecento citazioni. Citazioni: 328; h-index: 4; g-index: >19; e-index: 17; delta-h: 2.

2010: Dottorato in Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Torino
2003: Laurea in Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Ferrara.

CEEL program in Adaptive Economic Dynamics, 12th Trento Summer School, Intensive course in Evolution of Social Preferences, 27 June - 8 July 2011
ESSLLI, 18th Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Malaga (Spain), 31 july- 11 august. 2006.
“IX Summer School on Economics and Philosophy (2006): New Philosophy of the Social Sciences”, University of The Basque Country, San Sebastián, 10-13 july
“Fourth European Agent Systems Summer School 2002”, Bologna, july 2002

dal maggio 2012: Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato, LOA, ISTC-CNR, Trento
2010-2012: Assegno di ricerca, ISTC-CNR, Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento
2008: Visiting Scholar, Columbia University, Department of Philosophy
2004-2008 Assegno di ricerca, ISTC-CNR Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento

A.A. 2010/2011: Università degli Studi di Trento, Facoltà di Scienze, Professional Master of First Level in Technologies for E-Government: Conceptual Modeling, Ontology Design, and S emantic Interoperability
A.A. 2011/2012: Università degli Studi di Trento, Facoltà di Scienze, Professional Master of First Level in Technologies for E-Government: Conceptual Modeling, Ontology Design, and S emantic Interoperability

- Journal Referee: Applied Ontology,
- Conference referee: Collective Intentionality 2004, FOMI 2006 e 2005, CAISE 2005, ROLES 2005, IJCAI 2005, ER 2006, APCAP09
- Conference committee: 2st workshop "FO MI 2006", Formal Ontologies M eet Industry, Trento, 14-15 december 2006
- Chair of the 2st workshop "FO MI 2006", Formal Ontologies M eet Industry, Trento, 14-15 december 2006

Guarino, N., Bottazzi, E., Ferrario, R., Sartor, G., Open Ontology-Driven Sociotechnical Systems: Transparency as a Key for Business Resiliency, (Forthcoming in) itAIS2011, 8th Conference of the Italian Chapter of Association for Information Systems, October 7th - 8th, 2011
Bottazzi E., Ferrario R., Critical situations from spontaneous to sophisticated social interactions, (Forthcoming in) New Trends in the Philosophy of Social Sciences II, Madrid, 28-29 september 2011
Bottazzi E., Ferrario R. , How sophisticated our interaction can get, (Forthcoming in) Second Workshop of the European Network on Social Ontology (ENSO), Rome, Italy, 21-23 september 2011
Bottazzi E., Ferrario R., Faulty Institutional Objects. A threat for the Infallibilist (and the Fallibilist as well), ECAP 7, Seventh European Conference of Analytic Philosophy. Milan, Italy 1-6 September 2011.
Bottazzi E., Ferrario R., Introducing Perspectiles in Organizations, In the Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Science (EuroCog 2011), New Bulgarian University, Sofia, May 21-24, 2011.
E. Bottazzi and R. Ferrario. Oggetti sociali e prospettive. In VII Convegno dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive, Trento, Dicembre 2010.
E. Bottazzi. State of exception and impasse dynamics. In Democracy T oday, Braga, Portugal, 3-4 November 2010.
E. Bottazzi and R. Ferrario. The role of computational ontologies and failure-based systems in the social. In Proceedings of the conference of the European Association for the S tudy of Science and T echnology (EASST 2010), Trento, Italy, September 2010.
E. Bottazzi and R. Ferrario. Facing the inevitable? The dynamics of impasse in collective contexts. In Proc. of Collective Intentionality 2010 (to appear), Basel, Switzerland, 2010.
E. Bottazzi. Criteri filosofici per l’analisi delle organizzazioni sociali. PhD thesis, Universita’ degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Torino, Italia, 2010.
E. Bottazzi and R. Ferrario. Arbitral functions and constitutive rules. In Inaugural M eeting of the European N etwork on Social Ontology, October 16-17, Konstanz (Germany), 2009, (accepted for publication for Springer Verlag)
E. Bottazzi and R. Ferrario. Preliminaries to a DOLCE ontology of organizations. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, Special Issue on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Business Rules for Enterprise Modeling, 4(4):225–238, 2009.
E. Bottazzi and R. Ferrario. Wolves, dancers and deputies: For an ontology of collective intentions. ILIKS, Annual 2007 meeting: Trento, December 20th - 21st 2007
E. Bottazzi, C. Catenacci, R. Ferrario, and R. Trypuz. On non mediated collective intentions. In
N arrative Alternatives to T heories of Mind, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Great Britain, July 12-15, 2007.
E. Bottazzi, R. Ferrario, C. Masolo, and R. Trypuz. Designing organizations: Towards a model. In G. Boella, L. van der Torre, and H. Verhagen, editors, N ormative M ul ti-agent S ystems, number 07122 in Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, pages 237–244, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2007. Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI).
E. Bottazzi and R. Ferrario. Problemi filosofici emergenti dalla modellazione delle organizzazioni sociali. Rivista di Estetica, 36(3):43–58, 2007.
E. Bottazzi, C. Catenacci, R. Ferrario, and R. Trypuz. Intenzioni collettive non mediate. In A. Greco, G. Penco, G. Sandini, and G. Zaccaria, editors, Scienze cognitive e robotica, pages 136–138. Erga Edizioni, 2006.
E. Bottazzi, C. Catenacci, A. Gangemi, and J. Lehmann. From collective intentionality to intentional collectives: An ontological perspective. Journal of Cognitive S ystems R esearch, 7(2-3):192–208, 2006.
E. Bottazzi and R. Ferrario. A path to an ontology of organizations. In EDOC International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for T he Enterprise (VORTE 2005), 2005.
C. Masolo, G. Guizzardi, L. Vieu, E. Bottazzi, and R. Ferrario. Relational roles and qua-individuals. In G. Boella, J. Odell, L. van der Torre, and H. Verhagen, editors, AAAI Fall Symposium on Roles, an interdisciplinary perspective, N ovember 3-6, 2005, H yatt Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia, pages 103–112. AAAI Press, 2005.
E. Bottazzi, C. Catenacci, A. Gangemi, and J. Lehmann. Collective intentionality: An ontological perspective. In Collective Intentionality IV, Siena, 2004.
C. Masolo, L. Vieu, E. Bottazzi, C. Catenacci, R. Ferrario, A. Gangemi, and N. Guarino. Social roles and their descriptions. In D. Dubois, C. Welty, and M. Williams, editors, N inth International Conference on the Principles of K nowledge R epresentation and R easoning, pages 267–277, Whistler Canada, 2004. AAAI Press.